Current Programmes



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Messaging Client Accelerator

Unlock your potential: The ultimate foundation training for entrepreneurs to master the art of clear and compelling messaging to attract and convert dream clients. It is ideal for those in their first year of business.

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Business Insider Membership

Craving a community?

This is a safe space where you will feel like you finally belong. It is capped at being small and intimate as overwhelm is not our thing. We have the community, mentoring, training, high support, high challenge and accountability as our focus. We love to have fun too.

Join The Business Insider Membership

How to Run a Masterclass to Supercharge Your Sales

Deliver a presentation and irresistible offer that attracts new clients and boosts your sales.

Buy Now - £149

Mastering The Sales Call

Want to close more of your sales conversations? This script makes it easier than ever before.

Change the game and convert more sales by serving. This script is proven and repeatable for consistent and natural closes without you sacrificing your integrity or feeling icky about selling in your business.

Buy Now - ONLY £9

Lead magnet templates & worksheets

A lead magnet is a marketing term for a free item or service that is given away for the purpose of gathering contact details. It brings you leads. People who are your ideal client. I have wasted so much time on creating lead magnets. Save the time wasted overthinking how to do it!

Buy Now - ONLY £9

Time Blocking 

A 6 part course to help you take back control of your time, wealth and life with confidence in the knowledge that you are doing the right things at the right time. Reject any groundhog days and success traps most of the world is caught in when it comes to time management.

Start Time Blocking Like A Genius

What my clients say about their experience:

You Will Create Financial Freedom, Successful Clients and Maximise Your Potential When You Have Focus & Clarity On Your Strategy and Messaging



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