Oct 30, 2022I like setting audacious goals.
In 2021, I set the goal to do 52 books… one a week. A pretty standard SMART goal.
I started my coaching business in 2019 as a side hustle which alongside a 60-hour a week demanding career was challenging.
Investing in my own development has always been a strong focus as in my experience, it had helped drive my performance and differentiated me against anyone I was up against in interviews.
I can’t lie, I thought it would be easier than it was to read a book a week but I did it.
So here is what I learned:
1. The true value and investment of time has come to fruition later than expected.
Exactly like coaching, I have seen that the true commitment and investment is not always in the moment. It’s like having a lightbulb moment but these lightbulb moments wouldn’t of come about had I not invested in reading and learning. This is true of coaching. I have had coaches previously where I have felt in the moment, I didn’t learn as much as I thought I would or anything new, yet two years down the road, I am still reflecting on the experience I had with that coach.
2. The rich conversations and lasting relationships
Reading and learning has radically changed the conversations and relationships I have. I can instantly attend a networking event and find something to share or talk to someone about and get into instant rapport. I have the ability to share and serve something of value with everyone I meet as they share their obstacles or challenges. It has also developed the relationships I had and welcomed me into circles of those who I deem successful, where I want to be and inspiring in their own right.
3. I stopped signing up for a ridiculous amount of seminars and invested in over 8 coaches specific to my business needs.
I’m conscious of those people who share the tens of thousands they make every month who negate to share what they have invested. Often it is in the hundreds of thousands bracket. I myself have invested over £30k this last 8 months into my business yes but I made a large investment at the start which I committed to myself I would make a significant return on before I would invest further. This keeps my cashflow on point and my motivation focussed on driving results.
4. Inspire and serve others.
As I shared earlier, I have the ability to instantly build relationships which granted can be attributed to experience of over 19+ years leading high performing teams and knowing how to deliver a personalised customer service but also to the truth in I can help others to know where to invest their time. Time is currency and not to be wasted.
5. Read these 5 books.
A few of the key books that have shaped my business and supported in my success are:
Think and grow rich - Napoleon Hill
This book provides the thirteen principles of success and riches. In business you will be met with failure and struggle, or as Hill calls it “temporary defeat.”
At each “temporary defeat” you have the option of quitting altogether or strengthening your resolve to try harder. If you opt for the latter, you will now be more ready to accept Hill’s principles. My advice to you is to buy this book, and whenever the going gets tough, pick it up and read it again.
Dotcom Secrets - Russell Brunson
As I was building the foundations of my business, I new it was paramount to have structure. Most books centred around business strategy just became confusing. As Leonardo Davinci said: “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
I needed a system, strategy and plan. Russell once said, “If I were starting over again, I would create a product for $1,000 and I would just keep trying to sell it until I made $1 million.” This book will show you EXACTLY how to do that.
The Obstacle is the way - Ryan Holiday
When we are stuck, stymied, frustrated we need to have a formula that shows you how we can turn your own adversity into advantage. “The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”— Marcus Aurelius.
Start With Why - Simon Sinek
When the going gets tough, it can seem like everyone else is seizing the day and living their best life. Why does it seem that they are able to repeatedly attain success over and over again? Business is deeper than what you do. These people are invested in why they do what they do. People like Steve Jobs, Martin Luther Kind all had one thing in common - they started with WHY. This book is for everyone who wants to inspire others, serve and be inspired.
Everything Is Figureoutable - Marie Forleo
When I was transitioning from me corporate career to running my own business full time, I was terrified. I knew I had a strong vision, a ridiculous amount of self-belief and I knew business as in what I needed help wise so I went and asked the right people for it. Marie’s perspective, personality and journey through life resonated highly in every way. I often share with clients they should discover who inspires them and model what they do. Don’t copy, but be curious to understand what, how and why they do things. Success leaves clues.
To have the pleasure to meet Marie for a one hour exclusive round table experience this year was one of the best financial investments I have ever made that has allowed me to further explore and do some deep inner growth work that I wasn’t addressing and was the under current to some of my recent challenges. To sum it up - everything in life and business is “figureoutable”. Period.
If I were starting my business all over again, I would buy only these five books and I would only invest in coaches who helped me keep accountable and help me measure my personal and professional performance.
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