Sep 23, 2022We all have moments in life.
Ones where we take stock of what we have and thoughts of “I’m so lucky to be here.”
It may be hard to think about but dig deep…
It may be a concert or west end show.
It may be watching your first born start chatting to new people as you leave them to begin their freshers week on their first day at Uni.
It may be picking your dog or cat up from a friend after a holiday.
You’ll start to have moments coming to you even if not right now… pay attention to what comes to you through the day.
Notice what you notice as I often say!
I noticed just this today when I had a moment.
I woke at 6.
Grabbed a coffee.
Grabbed a new book I’ve had starting at me for the last 9 months on my book shelf and I snuggled into my sofa for some me time.
It was then when I said to myself: “this is a perfect moment.”
When it feels like time stands still and you reflect on how lucky you have things.
In this moment I began to reflect on why reading is so powerful and what it can create.
Reading is such a simple thing.
Like going for a walk.
Yet it holds space to bring such potential to your life. It is almost a mindful state when you are fully immersed in the story on the page and free from distractions or the 50,000 thoughts buzzing in your head.
I experience this in January 2021 I set a goal to read 52 books in a year. (A bigger challenge than I thought it would be.)
At the time it was great but surprisingly although I should know better, the greatness has started to become apparent right now. (Exactly like coaching… hence why coaches don’t charge the hour… the real magic may be evident in it’s true magnificence a year or two down the road.)
I’ve noticed as I grow and connect with people in business, I find myself in situations talking about books!
To the point where I now even see someone reading a book and if I have read it or know of it I will naturally start a conversation with that person and 9/10 it blossoms a wonderful connection.
I noticed it yesterday when I guested on a well known marketing agency podcast coming out next month where we spoke of a high performance mindset. I was asked if I had read “Story Brand” by Donald Miller and it blossomed into a discussion of our takeaways from the book that have literally transformed the way we do business.
I also know there is also an argument of too much personal development of which if you are constantly immersed in seminars, podcasts, training day etc. you do have to question is this serving the growth of my business? It may be it has become either a slight addiction or even procrastination towards something you actually need to just start/ finish. This is just about raising your awareness.
However, I invite you to take a moment… maybe not today or tomorrow. Raise your consciousness to a higher awareness and notice what comes towards you.
It might just be that you see a book today that changes a moment in two years time.
Like what you see?