Oct 15, 2022According to Google ’s “Year in search,” in 2021 “how to start a business” beat “how to get a job.”
If you’re thinking of ditching the corporate career and the politics game required to “reach” your potential, there are 6 things I realised & learned that helped me decide to quit my 19 years at a top 2 supermarket retailers and start my own flourishing business within 5 months.
I wonder if they will help you gain some clarity about whether you’re ready to quit and pursue listening to that nagging inner thought of finally doing what you love?
1. You feel trapped.
If you were to ask yourself what are the most important reasons you need a job you hate what would they be?
Financial security is an important factor especially in times of high uncertainty. Slow down and create a clear exit strategy. Ensure you have around further 3-6 months financially. Starting a business requires planning and commitment so having a side hustle as you do this where you knuckle out the basics will give you time and confident to approach the transition with less risk and give you time to validate your ideas.
Do some self-analysis, notice whether the pieces still fit?
2. Start a business that makes your heart sing.
Often, there is never a “right time”. There are going to be ups and downs. You are going to lack belief, procrastinate and have hindering thoughts. If you are completely passionate and immersed in your vision and why you do what you do when you come off track, you can use this perspective to reframe the situation and drive your motivation.
The idea of a saturated market is a scarcity factor brought in by those who are fearful of whether they can make their dream a success. When you have a reason to get out of bed every morning and serve others, everything changes.
You may be the obstacle in the way?
3. Start a business for the right reasons
Some people are destined to be entrepreneurs. Often, you may have thoughts about feeling like an implementer, trapped with the inability to think creatively. Maybe you constantly dream about pursuing your passion when you have more stability in your life.
What if that moment never comes?
What if the moment right now is the right moment?
If you want to leave because of a boss, despite people saying you should reconsider this as it is not a valid reason, it could be. Just remember, as Jim John stated; “You are the average of the five people you spend your time with.” Staying stuck in a job you hate in a toxic negative environment and culture is far more detrimental to you.
Who are you spending your time with?
Who do you want to be spending it with?
Our time is currency.
4. You don’t know what you don’t know.
One of the keys to success is being surrounded by successful people who are where you want to be. In your network it is important to have a third of people where you want to be, a third where you are and a third where you were.
You cannot do everything yourself. You can start by investing in yourself with great coaches and mentors who leverage and amplify your strengths, identify your weaknesses and guide you through the journey.
The best mentors are the ones who help you make informed decisions and hold you accountable. They help you measure where you are at to know when to leverage and when to stick and not scale too soon. They are the ones who help you become disciplined and structured in your plans.
Ultimately, they are the ones who believe in you and build trust and competency in a space that helps you to feel heard, valued and listened to.
5. Manage your own performance
Often the reason so many people don’t make it, is nothing to do with the business or a lack of great ideas. It comes purely down to the inability to manage their mental and emotional state. Understanding yourself, knowing your values and having high self-awareness is key to driving business performance. You values are your moral compass. Do your actions mirror your words?
There are days when you won’t feel like showing up. Knowing what you need and implementing the right support system is key.
Be consistent
When you surround yourself with successful people, you notice things.
Notice what you notice.
If you can master being consistent in the basics everyday, you are on to a path of mastery and success. The best clients are the ones who implement and compound successful results and outcomes.
6. Celebrate every win
Every decision you make has a consequence. When making decisions, you have to question if you have the right information, support and understand the potential outcomes. Is the decision you are going to make aligned to your values and purpose?
To empower and inspire yourself and others, you need to celebrate the decisions that bring success. We live in a world full of fear, uncertainty and a lack of ownership.
Break to norm and commit to celebrating your success and cheering on progress in yourself and others. This growth mindset will bring confidence, moments of inspiration and provide the space for creativity to focus on doing more of what works.
It is no secret that most small businesses fail within the first five years so before you decide to take the leap be honest with yourself.
The commitment of time, every and effort is immense. It should be if you truly want to create and build something real and valuable.
As Steve Jobs said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."
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