Aug 29, 2022How do you keep your confidence up when things really aren’t going your way?
Do successful people screw up? Of course they do. Does someone saying “you got this” suddenly make you feel better? Of course not.
If anyone tells you they have the magic formula or silver bullet that gets you achieving every goal and result you wanted, I’d be stopping right now and taking a quick walk in the other direction.
Success is no accident. It is commitment, perseverance, learning, studying, failing and daily practise. It all starts with awareness.
Here are 10 ways to step into your superhero and boost your confidence:
1. Adopt a champion's mindset.
Henry Ford once said: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Often people underestimate the power in focussing on your mindset and personal development. The reality is business and life are not solo entities. You need to be working on both your business and your mindset in conjunction to ensure you keep a positive perspective. This may sound extreme, however challenge how detrimental it is to have a negative belief system which keeps you focussed on what you cannot achieve. Ultimately, this will become the truth.
2. Know and trust yourself.
Understanding your state is key to understanding change and achieving excellence. Our behaviour is the outcome to the state we are in. Just the same as someone can be a “mood hoover” the opposite is true. Most of our states happen unconsciously so having a strong awareness is the foundation to change. Just as love is a feeling or emotion we signal to ourselves, so is confidence. We can create it. Knowing your beliefs, values, past experiences determines our intent in the action we take and it is action that brings results.
3. Be vulnerable
When we receive negative feedback, our defences are heightened as we feel we have failed and fear takes the lead as a way to protect us. Have the courage to know you will make mistakes. It is these experiences that repeated over time help us to feel more. Being vulnerable can be asking for help. When we repeatedly do things over time we become familiar in patterns and behaviours and this breeds confidence. Confidence is the result not the requirement.
4. Find your tribe.
We all need mentors and people who believe in us. Think back to a time in school or your first job when one person saw potential in you that you did not see. How did it make you feel? What changed? When you have moments of doubts about believing in yourself, focus on the positive and surround yourself in an environment of people who drive you to be the best you can be. Over time, you can question those negative people in your life as to how they serve you and invest time and energy in places where success is non negotiable and others want to help you succeed.
5. Notice that inner voice in your head
What is your inner voice saying? Is it loud or soft, strong or weak, fast or slow? Take time to listen to the thoughts you have and for each statement, make a conscious choice to change it to a positive. E.G. “I’m naturally confident.” Repeat the action with purpose, certainty and intent. This helps you feel more confident.
6. Someone’s waiting
The energy you give off determines the energy you attract. Think of how you feel around people who have great energy. What is it they do that makes you feel this way? In life, people will be drawn to you and others will be pushed away from you. This is ok. You do not have to be for everyone. With 7.2 billion people on this planet, there is someone right now who needs the value you have to offer.
7. Don’t be hard on yourself.
Having mentors, great coaches and advisors around you will validate where you are at. This can often be seen to be a negative but when these people are trusted and you align this with listening to what you need, you will be able to have a better understanding of reflecting on where you are at. Is it time to slow down to speed up? Or could it be the time when there is 10% in the tank to push a little more with the right support and people behind you. Remember earlier when I mentioned about belief.
8. Done is better than perfect.
When was the last time you heard someone speak of someone’s success and it was along the lines of “I remember that time they did that amazing powerpoint presentation.” Or “their email was always 100% grammatically correct.” Never! Remind yourself done is better than perfect. People buy from people they like based on how that person made them feel. Focus on building relationships and empowering people to feel better and on track with their personal and business goals. If people don’t know about you, you will never grow a business.
9. Model behaviour
Jim John said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” Assess your network. Are:
- A third where you were?
- A third where you are right now?
- A third where you want to be?
When you teach people who want to be where you are, you learn by repetition which is the mother of learning. Being with people where you are brings relationships where you can reflect, share best practise and empower one another on the journey which is key for those days when limiting beliefs come to light. When you surround yourself in circles of people where you want to be, you up your game. This is the most powerful space to be in. Watch the room, what is being said but most importantly what is not being said. Model behaviours, language and make it natural to you. These people are no different from you. Be confident in the knowledge you can do and have what they have too.
10. Exercise and performance
We all know that we feel better with regular exercise. Your responses are better to stress so you will also find you approach situations rationally and with less emotion. Everything you do requires energy and you have more energy when you are fit. This is about balance and working smarter in life not harder.
Confidence is the result of experience.
Confidence is the result of knowledge.
Confidence is a result.
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