Hi, I'm Natalie Potts,
My purpose is to help others create success on their terms so their life feels meaningful.
I want people to feel important in a remarkable way.
And I believe everything starts with your WHY.
Iā€™m often asked is "How on earth did you get started in all this?"
Iā€™ve been curious about human potential. I've sometimes had people call me the connector as I have always wanted to know, what exactly is it that makes people genuinely happy, successful and creatively fulfilled?
Why do some people struggle while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances?
I was also passionate about a multitude of seemingly unconnected things: writing, theatre, musicals, obstacle courses, Elvis, Elton John, psychology, entrepreneurship, creativity and fitness, just to name a few.Ā
I don't have a painful story... I was the good kid.
I grew up in a lovely home, great family and I loved school.
At 16 years old, I joined the corporate world as a bulshy 16 year old student. I knew it all... or so I thought.
After finishing University achieving a 2.1 BA in Drama and Management, I was offered a promotion.
Still bulshy, I laughed and said no way! After all, my dad had given his whole career of 37 years to the business. I was going to be taking my own steps in something completely new.

Five years later I had rapidly progressed to be a leader of 400+ people, accountable for budgets over £54m.
Big targets. Big results. Big bucks. 70 hour weeks.
I learned about what it takes to get the best from others and how to deliver exceptional results in an agile environment.
I also experienced how painful it is to hit the glass ceiling and have your life turned upside down.
"Whatever you do, do it well. Do it so well that when people see you do it, they will want to come back and see you do it again, and they will want to bring others and show them how well you do what you do" Walt Disney
In 2021, after many conversations around mapping out my journey to director, I was offered the opportunity for a senior leader role. On the outside, I looked successful and happy.
A woman who by the age of 30 had her own mortgage, a few luxury holidays a year, a fancy Mulberry or two and the cute sports car. On the inside, I felt isolated, lost and nothing made me laugh or feel happy. I didn't truly have this realisation until a catalyst moment of failing the sign off brought life crashing down.
I was signed off with depression. In all honesty, it was more the patterns of behaviour I had formed. Intense over exercising daily, working long day and soothing my real emotions with a bottle of sauvignon each night. I was told by the doctor, meds wouldn't be right for me - I just needed to nip the alcohol in the bud. I was fortunate enough to be able to seek private therapy in weekly support and after four months I embarked on a grief recovery programme. I learned there are over forty types of grief after the time and space, speaking to mentors, advisors and confidantes I trusted, I decided I the pieces didn't fit anymore.
My values weren't being met and this was not the way I wanted life to be.
I remember my dad sharing "this would be my gift" although it was hard to feel or see anything past the day on occasions.
In April 2022, I handed in my notice and as they say the rest is history.

"Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition" Steve Jobs
One thing I have never failed to commit to is showing up everyday to be a better person.
Success is not linear and it is not overnight.
I went full time into my business in 2022 but my venture started in 2016 upon joining The Coaching Academy.
In 2018 I qualified as a Performance Coach and a Corporate Executive Coach a year later.
My contribution in my corporate role, clients and a business mastermind as a Confidence Coach focussing on personal development and mindset was recognised at The International Coaching awards in 2019 where I won Coach of the Year.
I now have the privilege of mentoring students in The Coaching Academy.
What have I learnt?
Quite simply, there is no difference between me and you.
Every single moment of failure has been a step closer to success.
Running a business is not easy. I'd be wrong to convince you otherwise.
I left the corporate world because I was desperately unhappy. Money can bring incredible choices and opportunities in life. It can ever make you happy despite what people say if used in the right way.
I want to live a life of true meaning to me. Studies suggest this is the exact number regret people have at the end of their life.
Life is to be lived. Far too often we are striving for the next day without being able to live and be in the moment.
Create a life that you want.
If you can vision this, you can achieve this.

"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare" Japanese Proverb
My Vision
To do everything possible to expand potential to help people love work they do and make a positive difference in my clients world.
My Mission
To bring inspiration and the best client experience through development, education and services.

Values are your moral compass and how you carry yourself in life. In sharing my business values with you in how I communicated and do business with every client, I hope to inspire you and the importance in knowing what you stand for and always being true to yourself.
Ready to get started?
Together we will:
- Understand and explore where you are at right now.
- Discuss the results you need.
This is all about having identifying if we have a genuine connection, clarity on what you want so I can understand how I can best serve you.